
PAD London 倫敦首屈一指的當代藝術精品展

by Katrina Chiu
PAD London

PAD London日前落幕,這是一場專注於20世紀、當代設計及收藏級珠寶的藝術博覽會,由第四代巴黎古董商Patrick Perrin於2007年創立,每年十月在倫敦梅菲爾區中心的柏克萊廣場舉行。

源自巴黎、今年邁入第16屆的PAD London,精選來自全球62藝廊、珠寶品牌參與展出,是當代藝術收藏家不可錯過的盛會。珠寶的部分,包括有Bogossian、Carpenters Workshop Jewellery、Superjewellers by Valery、Demure、Hemmerle、Elie Top、Glenn Sporo這幾家品牌展出,可說是雲集頂尖藝術家及收藏家的上流展會。

(資料提供/PAD London)

Bryan O'Sullivan (Photo Credit James McDonald)
雲集當代藝術及高檔收藏品的PAD London,每個展示間都像是高級沙龍。Bryan O’Sullivan (Photo Credit James McDonald)
Twist_By Elie Top_Diamond Twist Bracelet and Twist Ring_Photo credit Hugues Laurent_Courtesy of Elie Top and PAD London
Elie Top – Twist Bracelet and Twist Ring(Photo credit Hugues Laurent, Courtesy of Elie Top and PAD London)
Tourmaline inlaid into Chrysoprase and Blue Opal Ring_Image Courtesy of Boghossian and PAD London Large
Boghossian – Tourmaline inlaid into Chrysoprase and Blue Opal Ring (Image Courtesy of Boghossian and PAD London)
Ring with diamonds and bronze_By Hemmerle_Courtesy of Hemmerle and PAD London Large
Hemmerle – Ring with diamonds and bronze (Courtesy of Hemmerle and PAD London)
Paraiba diamond earrings_By Boghossian_Courtesy of Boghossian and PAD London Large
Boghossian – Paraiba diamond earrings (Courtesy of Boghossian and PAD London)
Kissing Earrings_By Boghossian_Courtesy of Boghossian and PAD London Large
Boghossian – Kissing Earrings (Courtesy of Boghossian and PAD London)
J2096 Brioche Cognac Earrings_By Glenn Spiro_Courtesy of Glenn Spiro and PAD London Medium
Glenn Spiro – Brioche Cognac Earrings (Courtesy of Glenn Spiro and PAD London)
Bird Ring_By Walid Akkad (2022)_Courtesy of Carpenters Workshop Jewellery and PAD London
Carpenters Workshop Jewellery – Bird Ring By Walid Akkad (2022) (Courtesy of Carpenters Workshop Jewellery and PAD London)
